Warrington Rd.2

Crusaders secure a convincing victory in their first Championship West home game of the season.

Match Report: North Wales Crusaders claim a victory in convincing fashion against former Super League side, Warrington Wolves in their first home game of the season.


  • Crusaders cruise to victory against local rivals Warrington Wolves in the clubs first pride round fixture of the weekend.

  • Stuart Williams returned following a stint in New Zealand to help the Crusaders cruise to victory.

  • North Wales Crusaders score 50 second half points on their way to a convincing 85-34 victory over the former Super League side, Warrington Wolves.

The crusaders started off on the back foot as an error at the play the ball led to Warrington having the ball deep in the crusaders half.

The crusaders held their line but soon conceded a goal line drop out, the kick giving the Wolves the chance to barrel their way up the field.

It was the same again, as a little kick through led to the crusaders conceding a second drop-out in as many minutes.

However, the pressure seemed to get to the Wolves as they were penalised early in the set for an incorrect play the ball.

The resulting kick to touch is what led to the first try. Harry Jones was on the end of a great crusaders passing move, crossing in the corner. With Stephen Halsey having a rare miss from the tee.

The Wolves were then penalised twice in a row for off side, the first coming directly from the kick-off and the second coming just two phases later.

They weren’t able to capitalise off this though as the Wolves defused a high kick - with a couple of line breaks, the Wolves charged up the field but were held out.

An early kick in the preceding set by the crusaders led to another Warrington break but this time Martin Turner was able to chase back and tackle his man just metres from the line.

A couple of errors from both teams dropped the overall set completion right down.

The crusaders were able to capitalise from a Warrington error as Stephen Halsey was able to cross and this time making no mistake from the tee. Taking the score to 10-0 after 10 minutes.

It took a further eight minutes until the next score as each team exchanged sets - Harry Jones put a low kick through the Warrington line which Martin Turner chased down, crossing for his first of the afternoon.

Warrington were next to score as they crossed directly from kick-off as former Crusaders player, Lenny Izzard pounced on the ball as it evaded the crusaders from the kick-off.

This score took it to 16-4 after 20 minutes.

The Wolves were able to force yet another drop-out, which Harry Jones put too long giving the visitors the ball back.

However the Wolves seemed the buckle under the pressure of the crusaders defence as they put the ball into touch on just the second tackle.

This resulted in yet another try as Martin Turner crashed his way over from close range.

Some strong carries from the crusaders players gave them some great field position and were able to capitalise.

Martin Turner crossed over for his hat-trick off some slick handling from Halsey, Williams and Jones.

Turner thought he was in again from just the very next set as he pounced on a Halsey kick, however, he was deemed to have air swatted at the ball. Resulting in a seven tackle set to the Wolves.

The Wolves scored just minutes later as they were able to tie in a number of crusaders defenders and offload the ball to Izzard as he crossed for his sides second of the day.

A kick-off led to a seven tackle set which Warrington used to their advantage, charging up the field but the strong defence forced the visitors into an early kick which Harry Jones had to know out for a drop-out.

The Wolves seemed a lot stronger coming forward now, whether it was the international experience of Nash Jennings at work as they were able to cross in the corner following some slick handling.

The Wolves were able to force yet another drop out however, their runners were deemed to be infant of the kicker. Giving the home side some excellent field position.

They took full advantage of this position as Stuart Williams crossed under the sticks for his first try back at the Crusaders. This try and conversion was the last bit of scoring for the half as the Crusaders took a 34-16 lead at the break.

The second half saw the introduction of another former Crusader as Martin Beddis entered the field, in doing so having some very choice words to say to Crusaders player, Stephen.

This seemed to fire Halsey up as he went through a purple patch of scoring, including two tries, two conversions and a drop-goal in the opening 10 minutes of the half.

The Wolves tried to get some sort of control on the game, but the Crusaders held them out for the most part but the away side were able to squeeze one try in as Dan Phillips crossed in the corner.

The Crusaders regathered control of the game as Jess Booth, fresh on for Baker forced an error, resulting in a fresh Crusaders set deep in Wolves territory. This set would result in a penalty to the home side as Stuart Williams was deemed to have been pushed out of his chair.

The next score came from this set after some interchanging play by Halsey and Williams resulted in Williams crossing for his second of the afternoon.

The crusaders though they were in again just shortly after, however Williams was denied his hat-trick as he was judge to have knocked-on in the act of scoring.

After a penalty to the Crusaders for an incorrect play the ball, Stephen Halsey was able to catch the defence napping and cross under the sticks.

The resulting kick-off led to yet another Crusaders penalty for the ball not travelling the required distance which saw Stephen Halsey notch over penalty from halfway to extend the lead even further.

A penalty to the Crusaders in the very next set for double tag saw them gain some great field position with Martin Turner crossing for his fourth try of the afternoon.

A high kick from Martin Turner in the next set confused the defence with Wyatt Jones, freshly on for Harry Jones claiming the ball to cross under the sticks.

The referee was forced to have a word with the Wolves in the next set as they refused to make a substitution following one of their players going through the fire exit and onto the carpark.

This seemed to put a little bit of fire in the Wolves as they forced their way into Crusaders territory but the defence held strong.

Albeit not for long as the Lenny Izzard was able to capitalise on a Crusaders error to cross for his sides penultimate try of the game.

After repeated sets for both teams, Halsey was able to cross for his sides final score of the game.

It was Warrington that were able to grab the games final bit of scoring as Mick Brown crossed, adding the conversion himself. Taking the final score to 85-34 in favour of the home side, who after both opening rounds sit second in the table being Hereford Harriers, whom they face this coming weekend.

NORTH WALES CRUSADERS: Stephen Halsey, Mason Baker, Stuart Williams Martin Turner, Harry Jones

INTERCHANGES: Wyatt Jones, Jess Booth, Sophie Bamford

Tries: H. Jones (4), Halsey (10, 42, 50, 61, 75) Turner (18, 23, 25, 65), Williams (36, 56), W. Jones (67)

Goals: Halsey 10/11, Turner 3/3

Drop-Goals: Halsey

    WARRINGTON WOLVES: Brad Gleave, Mick Brown, Dan Phillips, Lenny Izzard, Liam Appleton

    INTERCHANGES: Martin Beddis, Nash Jennings

    Tries: Izzard (19, 30, 71) Phillips (33, 53), Brown (79)

    Goals: Brown 5/6

    North Wales Crusaders Player of the Match: Stuart Williams

    Warrington Wolves Player of the Match: Nash Jennings

    Referees: Kim Abel, Dave Abel